THE ARK is the gateway, constructed from assessable evidence, to the arkconsciousness of the living Cosmic SINGULARITY. The evidence is rooted in 1 Equation, 1 shaped Pattern and 1 multi-lingual Scriptural Network. The evidence is supernatural but nonetheless reviewable, calculableā€¦

A just understanding of the evidence triggers Consciousness of SINGULARITY and causes one's inner spiritual condition (e.g., intellectual and emotional states) to improve. It is best to begin with the 2019 "Memorandum on Understanding".

The following publications contain some of the linked evidence arising from one Scriptural Network, although originally conveyed through splintered parts, in five (5) distinct languages: Iroquoian, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Greek, and Arabic:

  1. 2014: In the name of the Most Gracious, the Dispenser of Grace: Evidence On & Unity under the One regardless of messenger or "race";

  2. 2015: Division and Despair;

  3. 2018: THEARK: An Introduction (Parts(i)-(iii);

  4. 2019: Memorandum on Understanding ARK; and

  5. 2020: THEARK: An Introduction (Parts(i)-(iv). New Title Page.

Hassan Fancy, B.A., J.D. (Hons), C.S. is the principal Author, Typist, and Publisher of the connected, but pre-existing sacred, evidentiary Truth.1-4-2021.